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Eishet Chayil: Tzitzit

“She, (the woman  of valor) seeks wool and flax, and works willingly with her hands.” This refers to the Mitzvah of Tzitzit. According to the Midrash, the word Tzitzit denotes ‘seeing,’ as in the expression, “Meitzitz – looking from the lattice.” (Song of Songs 2:9) The person who wears Tzitzit should be wary of sin, for God sits on the Throne of Glory, which resembles the blue thread, and sees him. (Rabbeinu Bachya – Kad Hakemach: Tzitzit)

The ‘Woman of Valor’ – Israel – seeks the wool and flax of the Tzitzit, to wear their awareness of God watching them from His Throne of Glory.

Rabbeinu Bachya continues: In the language of the Sages, the garment which bears Tzitzit is called a Talit, which  is an expression of height and elevation, as in the verse, “U’ntilath – And it was lifted up from the earth.” (Daniel 7:4) It is an allusion to Him, Who is exalted and eminent above all.

We are commanded to enwrap ourselves in the fringed garment on the basis of the Sages’ explanation (Rosh Hashanah 17b): “And the Eternal passed before him.” (Exodus 34:6) The verse teaches us that the Holy One, Blessed is He, enwrapped himself on Sinai like a reader of a congregation and showed Himself to Moses the order of prayer. He said to Moses, “Whenever Israel will sin, let them perform this service before Me. I will then forgive them for all their sins.” The intent of this text is to teach us the order of prayer and supplication and to instruct us to enwrap ourselves in a fringed garment and devotedly recite the Thirteen Attributes before Him. Because of these acts, God will forgive our sins.

Each verse of the Eishet Chayil alludes to a different connection we have with God that allows us to nurture our connection to Him.

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