Countdown to Pesach-21-Kedushat Eliezer
The Radomsker was visited by a Chassid, who complained that he had suffered heavy losses in his business, and was unable to meet his debts. Moreover, he could not secure any more goods on credit.
The Rabbi replied: “In a case of this kind, I will pray to God on your behalf in the words of the Haggadah – ‘For him who does not know what to ask; you shall open him up,’ – as, ‘To the one who has no one from whom to borrow, You, God, open a credit account!’
A few days later, the Chassid received a favorable business opportunity and prospered (Kedushat Eliezer, Pages 47-8).”
Pray for the poor as part of your fulfillment of the Mitzvah of Ma’ot Chittim.
iAttach-Amidah-Closing Mediation: “He Who makes peace in His heights, may He make peace upon us, and upon all Israel.” Anyone who helps the poor is considered to be making peace between the poor person and God!
Haggadah: The Son Who Does Not Know Enough to Ask