Shemah: Chanukah Kavanah
“How great are Your works, God, You make them all with wisdom, the world is full of Your possessions (Psalms 104:24).” Rabbi Akiva said, “Indeed, everything that the Holy One has made can teach us deep lessons, as it says, ‘God has made all things to teach us wisdom’ (Proverbs 16:4).”
Rabbi Elazar remarked, “Rather quote the following verse, ‘And God saw everything that He had made, and, behold, it was very good.’ The ‘very’ suggest that we should learn the higher supernal wisdom from all that He made.’
Rabbi Yehudah said, “That which God has made on earth corresponds to that which He made in heaven, and all things below are symbols of that which is above.” (Zohar II 15b)
“How great are Your works, God, You make them all with wisdom, the world is full of Your possessions.” May I merit during Chanukah, the Festival of Light, to be able to discern the Hidden Light in Creation so that I can understand how everything I see is a symbol of that which is above, so that I can then access the supernal wisdom hidden in all things.