Chanukah Hallel: Paragraph Six
“What can I respond to God for all the good He has given to make me independent? I will lift up the cup of salvation and I will call out in God’s Name. I will fulfill my promises to God in front of His entire nation. Death to His pious ones is precious in God’s eyes. Please God; allow me to be Your servant. I am Your worker, the son of Your maidservant; You unlocked my chains. I will bring an offering of thanks to You, and I will call out in the Name of God. I will fulfill my promises to God in front of His entire nation. (This will be) In the courtyards of God’s House, in the center of Jerusalem. Hallelukah!”
“What can I respond to God?”
When I can acknowledge, “all the good He has given me,” I can respond that I know it was, “to make me independent.”
There are times when a simple ‘Thank you” is sufficient. However, as the great Rabbi Avraham Lapin ZT”L, used to say, “Thank you for everything is not a thank you at all.”
In order to properly thank God we must use His gifts to grow and expand, to become independent. (Chochmah U’Mussar, Volume II, #128)
We can use this paragraph to renew our commitment to use God’s gifts to grow and become independent beings.
Look at every Mitzvah as an opportunity to take the grain of blessings you have received, and plant it, nurture it, and watch it develop into a full verdant plant. (Da’at Chochmah U’Mussar, Ma’amar 70)