Chanukah Exercises Part Two 5770
Pirsumei Nissa – Publicize the Miracle
L’Hodot – Thank You
L’Hallel – Rejoice in Song
Candle – Potential
Fifth Candle:
Dance at your Chanukah meal.
Focus on the Modim blessing in the Amidah. Make a mental list of things for which you are grateful to God.
Construct a “Thank You Machine”, commonly know as a Tzedaka Box, to use throughout the year whenever you feel grateful to God.
Set goals of the areas in your life that you want to repair.
Sixth Candle:
Sing the Psalm of Thanksgiving (#100) when you light and throughout the day.
Collect the charity solicitations you have received in the mail and review with your spouse and/or children what your Tzedaka priorities will be over the coming year.
Use your Chanukah/Rosh Chodesh Festival Meal to study one paragraph of Hallel.
Sing a song of gratitude for 15 minutes without any interruption.
Seventh Candle:
Reconnect with “miraculous experiences” that have lost their magic over time.
Practice each Mitzvah you perform during the day as an expression of thanks to God.
Prepare extra lights for Shabbat.
Sing Shabbat songs as you prepare for Shabbat.
Eighth Candle:
Recall the experience of the miraculous with the birth of each child before blessing him or her.
Have everyone at the Shabbat Table share a personal story of Divine Providence.
Celebrate one of the Shabbat meals as a “Seudat Hoda’ah” a Thanksgiving meal in honor of all the good in your life.
Have a feast to conclude the holiday. Review the high points of the Chag.