
Pesukei d’Zimrah-Chanukah- Enlighten Us with Your Kindness

“Enlighten us with Your kindness, God, and grant us Your salvation (Conclusion of Hodu; Psalms 85:8).” God’s kindnesses are everywhere. We are asking for the illumination of the kindness; that all of His kindnesses shall be revealed and open. (Tzemach Hashem LaTzvi; Bechukotai)


Chanukah-Kavanot-Pesukei-d'Zimrah-PrayerThis is an especially pertinent prayer to use on Hanukkah, the Festival of Light, when God’s miracles are more manifest. We are requesting that we be able to take full advantage of the special Shefa, Divine Influence, of these days, so that we can see with more clarity all of God’s kindness is that are all around us.

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