Morning Blessings: Adon Olam: Safety
The words, “To You, God, I lift my soul (Psalms 25:1),” are understood in light of the verse, “Into Your hand, I commit my spirit; You have liberated me. God, the True Power (Psalms 31:6).”
As matters go in the world, a man with whom things are left for safekeeping may confuse one man’s things with another man’s things, and the second man’s things with those of the first man’s, for some things are not easily told apart. But with the Holy One, Blessed is He, there is no such confusion, for, “You, God, are the True Power.” Thus, is it conceivable that a man should rise in the morning and seek his spirit and not find it? Or that he finds his spirit in another’s possession, or another’s spirit in his? (Midrash Tehillim 25:2)