
acnestis, foudroyantism, & yeuks

It is inevitable that my sesquipedalianism will win out when I intend to bloviate in preparation for the Shofar’s callithump of our seeming victory, albeit frangible, over the Yetzer Harah’s (Evil Inclination) chicanery through acnestis, yeuks, vellication, and obnubilation, and at times, foudroyant attacks.

I suspect that you actually know what I mean, despite the fact that you may not recognize one or two of the words!

The Shofar is a rather boisterous sound we make on this day when we battle the Yetzer Harah almost head-on. We are more confident than usual of victory, although it may not last too long. The Yetzer Harah is quite skilled at deceiving us with all sorts of deceptions. It soughs its megrims, interlarding nugacity in its gallimaufry of arguments, until we suffer from trichotillomania. It will cozen us with a powerful post-Yom Kippur afterclap.

There are times the Y”H will plant a small itch for something that will hurt us, in a place we cannot reach; meaning, we won’t understand the feeling, let alone recognize it, and will have no idea how to fight the urge to sin. That is his “acnestis” approach.

The itch will not always be in a place we cannot reach: He is quite skilled at the “yeuk” for something forbidden, or just at the boundary of what is permissible.

There are times he will confront us with a sudden and overwhelming urge, “foudroyant,” that will so shock us that it will overwhelm us: Anger, depression, a desire to strike back at someone by speaking Lishon Harah.

Then, of course, he will obnubilate, or darken, the new light we have achieved over Elul, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, with all sorts of different strategies: He will vellicate us with just enough doubt, oh, so softly, that we will begin to question our growth. He will softly whisper, or “sough” a whim to sin, a “megrim,” by mixing in, or “interlarding,” all sorts of meaningless questions (nugacity) and silly ideas (gallimaufry) until we are so confused that we want to tear out our hair (trichotillomania). He will cozen us just as we feel that issues have been resolved, by raising them all over again (afterclap) in new way.

Our enemy is a genius. He is a sophisticated strategist. It demands great work and effort to fight him.

Why did I write this blog this way? When we cathect with him on his level, expending the necessary mental effort to understand his strategies, as much as we did to understand the words of this blog, we begin to battle him on an entirely new level.

Here is some help:

noun: The part of the body where one cannot reach to scratch.

foudroyant foo-DROI-uhnt, adjective:
Overwhelming and sudden in effect.
2. Pathology. (Of disease) beginning in a sudden and severe form.
3. Striking as with lightning.

yeuk YOOK, noun:
1. An itching sensation.
1. To itch.

sesquipedalianism ses-kwi-PEED-l-iz-uhm, adjective:
1. Given to using long words.
2. (Of a word) containing many syllables.

bloviate BLOH-vee-ayt, intransitive verb:
To speak or write at length in a pompous or boastful manner.

A noisy, boisterous celebration or parade.

frangible FRAN-juh-buhl, adjective:
Capable of being broken; brittle; fragile; easily broken.

noun: Deception by trickery or sophistry.

vellicate VEL-i-keyt, verb:
To touch (a body part) lightly so as to excite the surface nerves and cause uneasiness, laughter, or spasmodic movements.
2. To irritate as if by a nip, pinch, or tear.
3. To move with spasmodic convulsions.

verb tr.: To cloud over, obscure, or darken.

sough SAU; SUHF, intransitive verb:
To make a soft, low sighing or rustling sound, as the wind.

megrim MEE-grim, noun:
A fancy; a whim.

interlard in-tuhr-LARD, transitive verb:
To insert between; to mix or mingle; especially, to introduce something foreign or irrelevant into; as, “to interlard a conversation with oaths or allusions.”

noun: Triviality; futility.

flagitious fluh-JISH-uhs, adjective:
Disgracefully or shamefully criminal; grossly wicked; scandalous; — said of acts, crimes, etc.
2. Guilty of enormous crimes; corrupt; profligate; — said of persons.
3. Characterized by enormous crimes or scandalous vices; as, “flagitious times.”

noun: A hodgepodge; a jumble

noun: A compulsion to pull out one’s hair.

cozen KUZ-un, transitive verb:
To cheat; to defraud; to deceive, usually by petty tricks.
2. To obtain by deceit.

afterclap AF-ter-klap, noun:
An unexpected, often unpleasant sequel to a matter that had been considered closed.

verb tr.: To invest mental or emotional energy in an idea, object, or person.

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Learn & discover the Divine prophecies with Rabbi Simcha Weinberg from the holy Torah, Jewish Law, Mysticism, Kabbalah and Jewish Prophecies. The Foundation Stone™ is the ultimate resource for Jews, Judaism, Jewish Education, Jewish Spirituality & the holy Torah.

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