A Trip To The Royal Zoo: From The Diary of A Former Slave IV
My children had always dreamed of visiting the Royal Egyptian Zoo. They would watch with envy, as the Egyptian School Chariots would take each grade to visit Pharaoh’s private zoo. It bothered them even more when they would see families crowd into their station wagons for a visit to that magical place.
To be honest with you, I think it bothered me even more than it bothered my children. I always wanted to be able to take my family on a trip, but I worked six days each week, and, quite frankly, slaves weren’t welcome in the Royal Zoo.
Well, the zoo came to us! We woke up to all sorts of roars and growls, and were too scared to go outside. My five-year old son was sure that the wild beasts marauding through the streets wouldn’t bother any of the Jews, so he, despite his mother’s desperate yells, went outside. I am watching my sullen, quiet boy change into a confident and self-assured young man.
He was right. The animals stayed away from our property and from us. The Egyptians are watching us through their windows as we play with and pet the lions, tigers and crocodiles. They think we have become supermen!
Moses and Aaron have been discussing our potential to become “great” in their lectures, and we all, not just my boy, have a different self-perception. Moses and Aaron keep on telling us that a relationship with God will empower us. We will always have the opportunity to feel that He cares for us as individuals, and will help us achieve our potential.
They also remind us that we must leave Egypt and head toward Israel with a stop at some mountain along the way, in order to fully achieve this potential.
I didn’t want to leave Egypt. I was happy once the slave work ended, but everything has changed. My wife is already planning for the move. For some reason, she went to the music store to buy a small drum for her to use when she sings about God’s miracles. The kids are dreaming about the most elaborate miracles happening when we leave. For them, it’s not “if,” but “when.”
Would a responsible father just follow Moses and Aaron out of Egypt? What do you think I should do?
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Learn & discover the Divine prophecies with Rabbi Simcha Weinberg from the holy Torah, Jewish Law, Mysticism, Kabbalah and Jewish Prophecies. The Foundation Stone™ is the ultimate resource for Jews, Judaism, Jewish Education, Jewish Spirituality & the holy Torah.