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Toledot Adam: Holy Guardings

The 28th of Nissan is the Yahrtzeit of Rav Yehoshua of Ostrova, son of Rav Shlomo Leib of Lentcha, and author of Toldot Adam (1819-1873).

Principles of A Holy Life:

1. A Person should guard himself to never eat until his stomach is full for this leads to becoming tired and lazy.

2. A Person should guard himself from too much eating, drinking sleeping and other strong physical desires, rather he should do everything with a sense of balance.

3. A person should guard himself from eating a second food before the first food has been digested.

4. A person should guard himself to always eat his biggest meal during the day and not at night.

5. A person should guard himself to be careful that if he ate one large meal, his next meal should be small.

8. A person should guard himself by not drinking at the beginning of the meal and until he has eaten well.

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